Bootcamp 2.2

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Previous Section: Logging In and General Orientation

Student Notes

To communicate with your computer you will require:

  • a terminal with a full American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character set
  • a data communication line to the computer
  • a login ID
  • a password

A terminal session begins by logging in through a recognized terminal and ends by logging off. The computer will do work for you in response to the commands that you enter during your terminal session.

The UNLX system identifies the many users on the system by their user name (sometimes called the login ID). Your login, which is assigned to you by your system administrator, is normally your name or initials. A password may optionally be assigned to your account. Your system administrator may provide you with an initial password that you will be able to change, or you can provide one of your own. Your password is yours alone. You decide what it will be, and no one knows or can find out what your password is. If you forget your password, you will have to ask your system administrator for assistance. Only the system administrator has the authority to delete a user's password from his or her account.

You will enter your user name and password, if required, at the login prompt that will be displayed on your terminal. Once you are logged in, you can enter commands. The shell will interpret them, and the operating system will execute them on your behalf. Any response generated from the execution of the command will be displayed on your screen.

When you have finished, you terminate your terminal session by logging off. This frees up the terminal so that another user can log in. It is also recommended that you log off when leaving your terminal unattended to prohibit others from accessing your terminal session and user account.

Next Section: Logging In and Out