Configuring NFS

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Configure NFS Server

  1. Ensure the NFS subsystem is in the kernel.
  2. Edit the server's /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf file.
  3. Start NFS server daemons.
  4. Create the /etc/exports file.
  5. Export the directories.
  6. Check the server configuration.

Configure NFS Client

  1. Ensure the NFS subsystem is in the kernel.
  2. Edit the server's /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf file.
  3. Start NFS server daemons.
  4. Create the /etc/exports file.
  5. Export the directories.
  6. Check the server configuration.
# ps -ef | grep [n]fsd | wc -l

# ps -ef | grep [n]fsd | sort -n -k 3,3
    root 17972     1  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17973     1  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17974 17973  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17975 17973  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17976 17973  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17990 17973  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17991 17973  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17992 17973  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17977 17974  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17978 17974  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17980 17974  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17987 17975  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17988 17975  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17989 17975  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17979 17976  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17981 17976  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16
    root 17983 17976  0  Jun 25  ?         0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 16

Ensure that the NFS Subsystem is in the Kernel

HP-UX 11.0 / 11i v1 (11.11)

# kmsystem | grep nfs_
nfs_client          Y                   -
nfs_core            Y                   -
nfs_server          Y                   -

HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23)

# kcmodule | grep nfs_
nfs_client       static  best
nfs_core         static  best
nfs_server       static  best

HP-UX 11i v3 (11.31)

# kcmodule | grep nfs_
nfs_client          static  best
nfs_client_pv2      static  best
nfs_client_pv3      static  best
nfs_client_pv4      static  best

Configuring AutoFS

  • Automatically mount NFS file systems when needed.
  • Automatically unmount NFS file system that are no longer being accessed. There is a 5 minutes timeout.
  • May be configured to provide load balancing across multiple NFS servers.

Enable AutoFS

AutoFS is enable in the "/etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf" using the [ AUTOMOUNT | AUTOFS ] variable. The AUTOMOUNTD variable can be use to add additional flags to the start script, like "-v" or "-T".

The -T flag Expand each RPC call and display it to /var/adm/automount.log.

The -v flag increases the verbosite of the log status messages to /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log.

  • Note: Don't enable AUTOMOUNT and AUTOFS at the same time.

Configuring the "-hosts" map

Edit "/etc/auto_master" file and add the configuration line "/net -hosts - soft,nosuid".


-> /etc/auto_master
/net -hosts -soft,nosuid

Direct Map

-> /etc/auto_master
/- /etc/
-> /etc/
/usr/contrib/games      -ro     gamesvr:/usr/contrib/games
/opt/tools              -ro     toolsvr:/opt/tools
/var/mail               -rw     mailsvr:/var/mail

Indirect Map

-> /etc/auto_master
/drawings /etc/auto.drawings
-> /etc/
gizmos                  -ro     gizmosvr:/drawings/gizmos
gadgets                 -ro     gadgetsvr:/drawings/gadgets
widgets                 -rw     widgetsvr:/drawings/widgets


  • automountd(1M)