How to install SIM?

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Verify your system meets the minimum requirements.

Normally, the customer would install the latest required and recommended HP-UX 11i patches.

The latest Java patches required by HP SIM are at:

For other HP-UX patches, refer to the ITRC website or the HP Software Depot: IT Resource Center (ITRC) Web site: Software Depot Web site:

When installing HP Systems Insight Manager Java-out-of-box (JAVAOOB) is required and will be automatically selected for installation. For additional information, refer to

The kernel parameter values it adjusts are listed below. Even if JAVAOOB was installed with the operating environment, check the kernel tunables in the following table for appropriate values.

max_thread_proc >=3000 maxdsiz >=2063835136 maxfiles >=2048 maxfiles_lim >=2048 maxusers >=512 nfile >=4097 nkthread >=6000 nproc >=2048 tcp_conn_request_max >=2048

Additionally, HP Systems Insight Manager 5.0 automatically adjusts the following kernel parameters during the installation process:

nfile 30000 semmns 2048 semmni 1024

Verify that a previous version of HP SIM or SCM is NOT running on your system. If a previous version of HP SIM or SCM is running on your system, the installation may not be successful. To perform a fresh install of HP SIM, first remove previous versions of HP SIM or SCM.

  1. ps -ef | grep mx
  2. what /opt/mx/lbin/mxdomainmgr

Installing and Configuring

a. Run mxinitconfig –l. This tests that the system has the requisite software and configuration. Look at the “requisite” status at each item in the output. If the status is “Acceptable” for every item, proceed to the next step. If the status is “Unacceptable”, determine the cause, fix the configuration, and then proceed to the next step. The following shows what the output looks like when HP SIM is ready for initialization:

# mxinitconfig -l
Listing current status of server components (16):
1. Check Kernel Parameters
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
2. Node Security File
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
3. Server Property File
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
4. Server Authentication Keys
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
5. SSH Keys
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
6. Status Property File
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
7. Task Results Output Cleanup
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
8. Database Configuration
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
9. Database Content
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
10. Setup Property File
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
11. Web Server
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
12. Setup Property File
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
13. JBoss Setup
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
14. Agent Configuration
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
15. Management Services
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
16. Database Population
- Requisite : Acceptable
- Status : Unconfigured
Completed all tasks successfully.
Details can be found in the log file at /var/opt/mx/logs/initconfig.log

b. Run mxinitconfig –a. Now, when all requisites in the output above read Acceptable, run mxinitconfig –a to initialize HP SIM and start HP SIM. This may take several minutes to complete.

# mxinitconfig -a
Checking Prerequisites (16):
1. Check Kernel Parameters
- Requisite : Acceptable
2. Node Security File
- Requisite : Acceptable
16. Database Population
- Waiting for HPSIM service to start ...
- Current Status, % Completed : 10%
- Current Status, % Completed : 20%
- Current Status, % Completed : 45%
- Current Status, % Completed : 45%
- Current Status, % Completed : 50%
- Current Status, % Completed : 50%
- Current Status, % Completed : 50%
- Current Status, % Completed : 50%
- Current Status, % Completed : 55%
- Current Status, % Completed : 60%
- Current Status, % Completed : 60%
- Current Status, % Completed : 60%
- Current Status, % Completed : 65%
- Current Status, % Completed : 65%
- Current Status, % Completed : 100%
- Successful
Completed all tasks successfully.
Details can be found in the log file at /var/opt/mx/logs/initconfig.log

c. HP SIM should now be running. Check to see that mxdomain manager, mxdtf, and mxinventory are running:

# ps -ef | grep mx
root 4671 2548 0 05:06:56 console 0:00 grep mx
hpsmdb 4557 4523 0 04:40:03 console 5:03 postgres: mxadmin insight_v1_0 idle
root 4613 1 0 04:53:18 ? 0:04 /opt/mx/lbin/mxinventory -DMI 1141822398268
root 4544 1 0 04:38:24 ? 2:28 /opt/mx/lbin/mxdomainmgr
root 4545 1 0 04:38:24 ? 0:14 /opt/mx/lbin/mxdtf
hpsmdb 4609 4523 0 04:53:08 console 0:00 postgres: mxadmin insight_v1_0 idle
root 4612 1 0 04:53:18 ? 0:04 /opt/mx/lbin/mxinventory -WBEM 1141822398237

d. Start a browser on your local system and sign into HP Systems Insight Manager as root.

Use the following URL format:


where <hostname> is the name of your system.
