How to install HPVM guest using Ignite-UX

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Install the latest Ignite-UX software

It's recommended to download all the Ignite-UX Bundles. Nonetheless, since HPVM only support HP-UX 11i v2 and v3 as guest you can limit your installation to those Operating Environments.

Create a virtual switch for the HPVM guest

  • Note: Ensure that the Ignite-UX Server is configured on the same subnet that the physical network card of the HPVM guest.
# hpvmnet –c –S <nameofvswitch> –n <lan#>
# hpvmnet –b –S <nameofvswitch> 

Add virtual network device to the HPVM guest

# hpvmmodify -P <vmname> -a network:lan::vswitch:<nameofvswitch>

Alternative, add the virtual network card with an explicit MAC Address to use for the PXE boot protocol

# hpvmmodify –P <vmname> –a network:lan:1,1,0x86abcdefabc2:vswitch:<nameofvswitch>

Start the VM and go to the console

To perform the task in a single step

# hpvmconsole –P <vmname> –fi –c ‘pc –on’

In order to boot from the lan card you would need to set the Load File entry for your virtual MAC in the EFI Boot Options:

EFI Boot option maintenance menu -> Boot from File -> Load File (with virtual MAC)

  • Note: Use Load File entry with the MAC address that will be used for the /etc/dhcptab (PXE) entry in the Ignite-UX server.

Configure Ignite-UX Register | Anonymous PXE boot

The configuration files /etc/dhcptab or /etc/bootptab must be directly modified on the Ignite-UX server to boot Integrity servers, including HPVM guests. Which of these files require modification depends on whether IP addresses are assigned statically or the network | HPVM host provides DHCP services.

Setting up for a static IP environment

This is the simples method. For Ignite-UX clients that have static IP address assigned to them, you will need to modify the /etc/bootptab configuration file. A defaults entry simplifies the process of adding new client entries (including those for Integrity VMs). An example of a defaults entry and two host entries are shown below.

Entries in /etc/bootptab to accommodate Integrity VM clients


System-IPF statenment specifies a set of default values shared for both vmguest# client statements. This example has four values that must be modified for real configurations:

bp The IP address of the Ignite-UX server to be used to respond to clients.
sm The subnet mask being used by the clients.
gw The network gateway address.
ds The domain name server address.

Typographical errors in any of these entries will cause a no end of enigmatic problems. Check the entries carefully.

To add another entry for a new VM, you need to specify an entry similar to that of vmguest1 and vmguest2 above, where the first attribute is the host name of the new VM. The other three attributes are defined as follows:

tc The defaults to be used for this group of clients (in the example above, this
will be System-IPF).
ip The (fixed) IP address of the client.
ha The client hardware (MAC) address.

The MAC Address for a HPVM guest can be obtained from hpvmstatus command or from the HPVM guest’s virtual console. For example, the MAC address is the last field of its LAN entry displayed in the output of hpvmstatus:

vmhost:/> hpvmstatus -P vmguest1 | grep lan
vswitch lan vswa 0 0 0 92-58-ee-ee-15-16

Uncomment the following line on /etc/inetd.conf:

bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/lbin/bootpd bootpd

And force inetd to reread the /etc/inetd.conf:

# inetd -c

Creating the software depot on the Ignite-UX host server

  • Note: Ignite-UX must be installed and operational following a reboot prior to making depots, shown in step 1 below. If the make_depots command fails after installing Ignite-UX, reboot the server using the shutdown –r –y 0 command.

1. Insert the HP-UX B.11.31 installation DVD-ROM into the CD/DVD drive of the Ignite server ==

2. Type the following command in the host and press Enter:

# make_depots -r B.11.31 -s /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 
  • Note: Use your CD/DVD drive device special file, if different.

The software depot is normally created in the following directory /var/opt/ignite/depots/Rel_B.11.31, but can be placed in a common deployment location on another server.

  • Note: It can take up to two hours (depending on your DVD drive speed) to create the B.11.31 software depot on an HP rx2620 or similar deployment server.

If necessary, add the HPVM application software for VM Hosts and Guests to the depot

Here's an example using a tar-format depot file:

# make_depots –r B.11.31 –s /tmp/depots/T2767AC,r_A.03.50,a_HPUX_B.11.31_IA.tar
# make_depots –r B.11.31 –s /tmp/depots/VMProvider,r_A.03.50,a_HPUX_B.11.31_IA.tar
# make_depots –r B.11.31 –s /tmp/depots/VMMigrate,r_A.03.50,a_HPUX_B.11.31_IA.tar
# make_depots –r B.11.31 –s /tmp/depots/VMMGR,r_A.03.50,a_HPUX_B.11.31_IA.tar

3. Remove the DVD from the drive when completed and store in a safe place.

HP-UX is presently shipped on two DVDs. The contents must be copied from the DVDs to a single temporary directory on the Ignite host server. The contents of the directory will be used to create the installation depot

The depots are usually stored in /var/opt/ignite/depots/. Make sure you have enough space. 16GB should be sufficient.

Setup and configure the Ignite-UX host server for guest deployment

A. Create the Ignite-UX configuration files for the depot. At the prompt, type the following exactly as shown below. Press Enter at the end of each line shown below. Takes about 10 minutes.

# /opt/ignite/bin/make_config -c /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31/core_cfg –s <igniteserverip>:/var/opt/ignite/depots/Rel_B.11.31/core

B. Run manage_index to update the INDEX file. You can type: manage_index to view the manage_index definition. Type the following and press Enter.

          # manage_index -a -f /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31/core_cfg -r B.11.31 

C. Change to the /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31 directory. Type the following commands and press Enter.

  1. cd /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31/
  2. ls

D. Examine the core_cfg file using the more command. Type the following

  1. more core_cfg and press Enter.

This file was built by the make_config command. Notice the following information in the configuration file (these can be located a few lines from the top of the file). Always verify these before continuing. source_format= SD sd_server= (the host Ignite server deployment LAN IP address). Important! Ensure the IP address is correct. If not, the installation will not function. sd_depot_dir= (directory path must match the last line in step 1 above). Addresses must be correct or deployment will not function.

E. Verify that the /var/opt/ignite/INDEX file contains the new depot information. Type:

  1. more /var/opt/ignite/INDEX and press Enter.
The INDEX file groups the configuration files into configuration stanzas. When you install a client you will choose a configuration stanza. This will determine all the config files that will be used to install the client. 

Look in the configuration stanza for HP-UX B.11.31 Default. You should see the name(s) of the configuration files built by make_config.

5) Verify and configure the Ignite-UX deployment server

A. Ensure that NFS is running on your Ignite deployment server.

  1. ps –ef|grep nfsd

B. Ensure that TFTP is properly enabled by verifying that the following line in /etc/inetd.conf is correct and not commented out: tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/lbin/tftpd tftpd -l \ /opt/ignite \ /var/opt/ignite

The -l option is to generate syslog messages in the Ignite server.

C. Ensure that bootpd is enabled on ports 67/68 by verifying that the following line in /etc/inetd.conf is not commented out (around line 44):

bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/lbin/bootpd bootpd –d 9

The –d option is to generate syslog messages in the Ignite server.

D. Verify that the instl_boots daemon on ports 67/68 in /etc/inetd.conf is commented out (around line 44 in the inetd.conf file).

  1. instl_boots dgram udp wait root \ /opt/ignite/lbin/instl_bootd instl_bootd

E. If changes were made, restart the inetd daemon and kill any running bootpd daemons.

  1. inetd –c
  2. ps –ef | grep bootpd
  3. kill <pid>

F. Login to another terminal window (or use the existing window) on the host Ignite server and view syslog.log using the following command in the new window just opened:

  1. tail -20 –f /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

Syslog.log is useful for troubleshooting during the Server LAN connection and software installation process.

6) Loading the OS from the Ignite server to the VM guest

A. Log into the VM Console and enter the EFI Boot Option Maintenance Menu  Boot from File  Load File (with virtual MAC) (Use Load File entry with MAC address that was used on the /etc/bootptab entry in Ignite server and the assigned to the VM Guest). B. If the VM Guest is able to communicate with the Ignite server you should be able to select the OS to install
