Online Diagnostics B. missing dependencies

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The following article explains how to comply with the Online Diagnostics B.11.12.02 software dependencies installing the missing EventMonitoring filesets.

Installation Error Symptom

The sympthom of the problem is that the dependencies for fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE-COM,r=A." cannot be resolved.

swinstall -s /var/tmp/OnlineDiag_B. OnlineDiag

=======  03/27/09 16:00:53 EDT  BEGIN swinstall SESSION
         (non-interactive) (jobid=rx7620c-0008)

       * Session started for user "root@rx7620c".

       * Beginning Selection
       * Target connection succeeded for "rx7620c:/".
WARNING: The software specification "OnlineDiag" refers to a bundle (or
         to a product, subproduct or fileset within a bundle). Only
         some of the software specified could be selected. The messages
         below show those items which could not be selected and those
         items which were selected but generated a warning:
       * The software
         was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
         software items which could not be found in the source.
         However, these items may already be in the target. This will
         be checked during the Analysis Phase:
       * The software
         was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
         software items which could not be found in the source.
         However, these items may already be in the target. This will
         be checked during the Analysis Phase:
       * The software
         was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
         software items which could not be found in the source.
         However, these items may already be in the target. This will
         be checked during the Analysis Phase:
       * The software
         was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
         software items which could not be found in the source.
         However, these items may already be in the target. This will
         be checked during the Analysis Phase:
       * The software
         was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
         software items which could not be found in the source.
         However, these items may already be in the target. This will
         be checked during the Analysis Phase:
       * The software
         was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
         software items which could not be found in the source.
         However, these items may already be in the target. This will
         be checked during the Analysis Phase:
       * Could not apply the software selection
         it is not available from depot or root

       * The software
         was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
         software items which could not be found in the source.
         However, these items may already be in the target. This will
         be checked during the Analysis Phase:
       * Could not apply the software selection
         it is not available from depot or root

       * The software
         was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
         software items which could not be found in the source.
         However, these items may already be in the target. This will
         be checked during the Analysis Phase:
       * Source:
       * Targets:                rx7620c:/
       * Software selections:
       * Selection succeeded.

       * Beginning Analysis and Execution
       * Session selections have been saved in the file
ERROR:   "rx7620c:/":  The software dependencies for 2 products or
         filesets cannot be resolved.
       * The analysis phase failed for "rx7620c:/".

The swjob command shows the error due a missing dependency "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE,r>=A.". All other errors are you chain reaction to the failure to install fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE-COM,r=A.".

# swjob -a log rx7620c-0008 @ rx7620c:/
=======  03/27/09 16:00:54 EDT  BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=16906)

       * Agent session started for user "".

       * Beginning Analysis Phase.
       * Source:

       * Target:           rx7620c:/
       * Target logfile:   rx7620c:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
       * Reading source for product information.
       * Reading source for file information.
         The corequisite "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE,r>=A." for
         fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE-COM,r=A." cannot be
         successfully resolved.
ERROR:   The dependencies for fileset
         "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE-COM,r=A." cannot be resolved
         (see previous lines).
         You must resolve the above dependencies before operating on
         this fileset or change the "enforce_dependencies" option to
         The prerequisite "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE-COM,r>=A." for
         fileset "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI-COM,r=A." cannot be
         successfully resolved.
         The prerequisite "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE,r>=A." for
         fileset "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI-COM,r=A." cannot be
         successfully resolved.
         The corequisite "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI,r>=A." for
         fileset "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI-COM,r=A." cannot be
         successfully resolved.
ERROR:   The dependencies for fileset
         "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI-COM,r=A." cannot be resolved
         (see previous lines).
         You must resolve the above dependencies before operating on
         this fileset or change the "enforce_dependencies" option to
       * Executing preDSA command.
NOTE:    The used disk space on filesystem "/" is estimated to increase
         by 8 Kbytes.
         This will leave 1766720 Kbytes of available user disk space
         after the installation.
NOTE:    The used disk space on filesystem "/opt" is estimated to
         increase by 8 Kbytes.
         This will leave 4023632 Kbytes of available user disk space
         after the installation.
NOTE:    The used disk space on filesystem "/var" is estimated to
         increase by 416 Kbytes.
         This will leave 7700984 Kbytes of available user disk space
         after the installation.
NOTE:    The used disk space on filesystem "/usr" is estimated to
         increase by 688 Kbytes.
         This will leave 4873416 Kbytes of available user disk space
         after the installation.

       * Summary of Analysis Phase:
ERROR:       Exclude       EMS-Core.EMS-CORE-COM,r=A.
ERROR:       Exclude       EMS-Config.EMS-GUI-COM,r=A.
ERROR:   2 of 10 filesets had Errors.
       * 8 of 10 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
ERROR:   The Analysis Phase had errors.  See the above output for

       * Beginning the Install Execution Phase.
       * Filesets:         8
       * Files:            854
       * Kbytes:           81641
       * Installing bundle "OnlineDiag,r=B." .
       * Installing fileset "Contrib-Tools.CONTRIB,r=B." (1
         of 8).
       * Installing fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-MX,r=A." (2 of 8).
       * Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-CATALOGS,r=B."
         (3 of 8).
       * Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-MAN,r=B." (4
         of 8).
       * Installing fileset
         "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-REL-NOTES,r=B." (5 of 8).
       * Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-SHLIBS,r=B."
         (6 of 8).
       * Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-UI-RUN,r=B."
         (7 of 8).
       * Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-UUT-RUN,r=B."
         (8 of 8).
       * Running install clean command /usr/lbin/sw/install_clean.
NOTE:    tlinstall is searching filesystem - please be patient
NOTE:    Successfully completed

       * Beginning the Configure Execution Phase.

       * Summary of Execution Phase:
ERROR:       Skipped (in analysis) EMS-Core.EMS-CORE-COM,r=A.
ERROR:       Skipped (in analysis) EMS-Config.EMS-GUI-COM,r=A.
ERROR:   2 of 10 filesets had Errors.
       * 8 of 10 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
ERROR:   The Execution Phase had errors.  See the above output for

=======  03/27/09 16:02:22 EDT  END install AGENT SESSION (pid=16906)


The missing dependencies fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE,r>=A." is part of the EventMonitoring product bundle, and comes on the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2008 Media and it's also available for download at

The procedure similar to the following can be use to package both bundles in a single depot for simultaneous installation.

1. Obtain the EventMonitor and the OnlineDiagnostics depots.

  • Event Monitoring Service (EMS)

  • Diagnostic and Support Tools for the HP-UX 11i v1 HP-UX 11i v2 and HP-UX 11i v3 Systems

2. Bundle together both product depots:

# mkdir /var/tmp/OnlineDiag_B.
# swcopy -x enforce_dependencies=false -x autoselect_dependencies=false \
-s /var/tmp/OnlineDiag_B. \* \
@ /var/tmp/OnlineDiag_B.
# swcopy -x enforce_dependencies=false -x autoselect_dependencies=false \
-s /var/tmp/EventMonitoring_A. \* \
@ /var/tmp/OnlineDiag_B.

3. Verify depot content

# swlist -s /var/tmp/OnlineDiag_B.
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "<hostname>"...
# Target:  <hostname>:/var/tmp/OnlineDiag_B.

# Bundle(s):

  EventMonitoring       A.  Event Monitoring Service
  OnlineDiag            B.  HPUX 11.23 Support Tools Bundle, December 2008

4. Install both product components. Verify to select EventMonitoring first to ensure that SD-UX properly resolves the dependencies.

# swinstall -s /var/tmp/OnlineDiag_B. \
EventMonitoring OnlineDiag

5. Verify product installation using swverify and the corresponding swjob.

# swverify EventMonitoring OnlineDiag -a state

# swjob -a log <hostname>-<jobid> @ <hostname>:/

